Wednesday, November 18, 2009

KL, thank you for the bright welcome!

Three Lights in Night 1, KL
(Four ways to look at light in KL)

Petronas Tower, I look up
Bright tallest twins in the world
Like Castor and Pollux of Gemini
You are a street lamp to many a Jalan

Your fluorescence resembles
Rudimentary inflorescence
Dotting the busy streets
You look blooming at night.

From where I’ll look out
I will fly to you, I’d love to
Menara Kuala Lumpur
Like Betelgeuse of Orion
Adjoining Gemini.
You give directions still
To sailors down, navigating
The sea of bustling streets.

And this fountain looked on

Pavilion’s fountain spewing
Mutating iridescence, stunning,
Schizophrenic light delight.
Seems a carousel taking my eyes
To a ride of sky, fire, and verdant hues
Serenaded with festive songs.

And so I look forward to
The jaunty sights and treats
When lights and stars from heaven ‘s
Glimmer, descend
Before I walk back to hotel
In burnishing Bukit Bintang
To refresh my spent eyes.

111809 rcguinaran asia 21 phils 09

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